caliber, now that's my idea of heaven.
THE WATCHTOWER JANUARY 2014 Why Does God Allow Suffering?
By his words, Satan implied that Eve—and by extension, all humans—would be better off without God’s rulership. In this case too, Jehovah knew that the best way to address the challenge would be to let Satan try to prove his point. So God has allowed Satan to rule this world for a time.
Frankly the idea that Satan has ruled the world makes more sense. The snag is that he hasn’t ruled it for a time, as the Watchtower Society claims, but since the beginning of human time. He got the attention of the first humans, even before they had become parents, and turned them away from god. God’s immediate response was to hand rulership over to Satan; not for just a few years but from the very beginning until now. What a wimp. I have more respect for Satan’s character and cunning.
Fortunately for me, it is all just a romping mythological yarn and as far detached from reality as Thor and Odin. No, hold on, much further than that. The magic of reality is so refreshing.